TYPE : Amphibious VTOL Carrier Submarine
CREW : 450
VLMS (Vertical Launch Missile System), 12 silos which can be loaded with anti-ship or anti-ground missile.
Main turret, two 305 mm gun
Two 60 mm Anti-Air Turret, and various AAA weapons
POWER PLANT : Two nuclear Power plant delivering 180 000 hp to two ultra-silent turbines.
MAXIMUM SPEED/RANGE : 28 knots (submerged), 16 knots (surfaced), 4 knots (ground). Almost unlimited range.
MISSION : conduct covert operations near enemy shores.
Behemoth was designed by triax engineers to counter recent anti-ship missile technology : huge traditionnal aircraft carriers get more and more vulnerable, why not hide them underwater when they are not lauching/recovering their aircraft ?
The submarine itself cannot reach great depths (150 ft max),as the huge turrets and elevator are difficult to seal from water.
The runway is short so Behemoth can only accomodate VTOLS. However, to allow them to carry heavy ordnance, a skid-jump has been set at the bow.
The wheel undercarriage allow landings but it is mainly used to conduct operations in very shallow water.
This concept takes its shape from Soviet Akula Class Submarin (NATO codename “Typhoon”). This version has wheels to make it a counterpart of V-Rocs Aircraft carrier in the second wave. And because it’s fun :-)
Another version with a sail at the front of the hull.